Hey there, future SRCT contributor! Student Run Computing and Tech (SRCT) is a student organization at GMU that builds open source software for the Mason community while providing a great opportunity for students from all backgrounds to gain valuable, real world, technical experience. The tools we use to build our software is widely used throughout industry, and plus, it’s fun!

This post will serve as an in depth introduction to contributing to SRCT projects and open-source projects more generally.

What does SRCT do?

We build open source software. What’s that? At the most basic level, an open source project has all of its source code freely available online, and anyone can contribute or make changes to that source code to enhance the project. This is really important for us – it means that anyone: Mason students, professors, whoever, can use their talents to improve our projects and make life for Mason students a little bit better.

But I’m not a CS major! (or, I’m just a freshman!)

It’s okay! The most impactful contributors we’ve ever had haven’t been CS majors. Hardly anyone comes into SRCT knowing anything about contributing to open source. Luckily, we’re here to teach you and we’re more than happy to help you anywhere along the way and answer any of your questions!

Getting Started


We use Slack for all communications in our org. It’s a great place to get involved with projects and socialize, so it’s necessary if you want to become involved with SRCT. There’s always members online happy to help with any issues you will inevitably run across

To sign up, go to https://srct.slack.com/signup and make an account with your GMU email. Download the app on your computer and phone too! It’s much better experience and makes it easier to keep up.

Registering on GitLab

All of our projects can be found on our GitLab page, found at https://git.gmu.edu. Go there and sign up using your GMU login by clicking on the “GMU Login” button in the bottom right corner. Once you’re in, you can see all the SRCT repositories (or projects) on our organization’s page.

In this article, we’ll be contributing to the srctweb project, which is our website. It’s live at srct.gmu.edu if you want to take a look!

Getting the code on our system

Before we can start to make changes to the code, we first need to get it on our machine. To do this we’ll need to install git, which is the most important tool we work with.

What is git? Git is a version control system, which, according to the GitHub handbook, “tracks the history of changes as people and teams collaborate on projects together”. Git is also distributed, which means that the copy of the project you have on your machine is yours alone. No matter how bad it gets screwed up, it will never affect the central copy called the origin. In our case, the origin is the copy stored on GitLab.

To install git, refer to the installation instructions on the srctweb README.

Once you have it installed, open up your terminal. This is where we’ll be doing most of our work today. Let’s make a folder, or directory, to keep SRCT projects in.

$ mkdir SRCT

Now navigate to the directory using the cd (change directory) command.

$ cd SRCT

To get the srctweb project on our system, we need to clone it, or essentially download a copy from GitLab. The link can be found by clicking on the “Clone” button on the srctweb GitLab page.

$ git clone https://git.gmu.edu/srct/srctweb.git

This will clone the project into the srctweb directory. Navigate to that directory with cd.

$ cd srctweb

Let’s make sure it worked. List the directory contents with the ls command – it should be the same as on GitLab.

Running the project

To run the project on your machine, we recommend using Docker. Docker is a tool for running containers, or mini virtual machines (like mini computers) on your computer. This is useful since we can just tell docker what to install and what commands to run instead of doing it all manually.

To install Docker, refer again to the instructions in the srctweb README. Now, run

$ docker-compose up

which should start the website and make it accessible at http://localhost:4000.


I told you this would happen! Ask in the #srctweb channel on Slack.


Now that the project is up and running on our machine, we need a tool called a text editor to edit them. There are no shortage of opinions on what text editor you should use, but a great option is VS Code. Go ahead and download it at that link.

What we’ll be changing

Since writing this, we’ve had quite a few members graduate! However, out list of members hasn’t been updated to reflect that. Actually, it hasn’t even been updated with the new exec board! Man, just so much to do…

One last thing…

Before we go graduating people all willy nilly, we need to create a branch for our work. This is essentially a copy of the project that will contain only the changes for this specific issue we’re working on. When we’re done, the changes can be reviewed in isolation, and then merged into the main branch of the project without the clutter of all the other changes that others have been making at the same time.

Head back to our old friend the terminal. To create a branch, use the git branch command.

$ git branch update-alums

Now, we switch over to that branch using checkout:

$ git checkout update-alums

Now we’re ready to work!

Getting to work

With your VS Code open, open the ~/SRCT/srctweb directory. Inside the next srctweb directory is the actual meat of the site. It’s not important to understand what everything is and how it works – that’ll come in time. For now, learning the process is much more important. If you’re curious though, ask in Slack!

We have a list of all the members in srctweb/_data/people.json. JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a simple way to describe data. This file contains a list (notated by the surrounding square brackets, []) of objects (curly braces, {}), each of which contain info on a member of SRCT.

Since I don’t want to do all your work for you, I’ll just graduate our beloved two term president, David Haynes. Change the alum field to be true, and set the exec status to be false. Delete the other lines in the exec object too.

  "name": "David Haynes",
  "email": "dhaynes3@gmu.edu",
  "alum": true,
  "exec": {
    "status": false

It worked!

To verify the change was made, go to http://localhost:4000/people and make sure David is an alum.

Now let’s make sure git saw the change. In your terminal run

$ git status

You should see the following output:

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   srctweb/_data/people.json

Serious commitment

Now it’s time to save these changes. We do this by making a commit in git, which is a snapshot of the project at a given time on a given branch. However, git doesn’t automatically add your changes to the commit – as the git status message explained, you must add them using the git add command.

$ git add srctweb/_data/people.json

Now we can make the commit with the git commit command. Along with every commit comes a short message explaining the change.

$ git commit -m "rip dhaynes"

Push it up!

Now it’s time to push your changes to GitLab! To do this, we first push the branch with your new commit attached to it. Git is stupid and doesn’t know where to push to by default so you need to give it a few more instructions.

$ git push --set-upstream origin update-alum

NOTE: You’ll probably get an error doing this for the first time. You need to be given permission first, so poke into the #srctweb or #help channels and ask for help.

Merge it in

To integrate your changes into the main project, you need to make a merge request, or MR. Your MR will then be reviewed by the project manager to make sure there’s no funny business going on and to give you tips on your code, and will then merge your branch into the master branch.

On the srctweb GitLab page, go the the “Merge Requests” tab and hit “New Merge Request”. Select your branch as the source branch, and hit “Continue”. Give your MR an appropriate title and summary and submit your request.

You did it!

Hurray! Your MR has been approved and you have successfully removed dhaynes from his tyrannical throne.

What you just did is by far the biggest hurdle for new members, and it’s easy to see why – it’s a lot of information. Come back to this article if you ever need reminders, that’s what it’s here for. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help in Slack.

Where to go from here

Come to meetings and say hi. If you can’t do that, say hi in Slack. Browse through our projects and see what interests you. Talk to the project manager and they will guide you forward.