Note: I no longer use Emacs, so this code is no longer maintained. Use inside your configuration at your own risk. It’s still a valuable example of Lisp macros!

As much as I love Emacs, there’s one thing that I’ve never been satisfied with: terminal support. There are multiple offerings built into Emacs, such as term-mode and the more Emacs-y eshell. eshell in particular has some great features like being able to use Emacs Lisp to write shell commands and being able to pipe to Emacs buffers. However, as a web developer in 2019, much of my terminal use involves running complicated CLI tools such as Jest and Storybook. eshell doesn’t work at all with these, and term-mode is significantly slower than a native shell.

For a long time, I’ve just been tabbing over to iTerm for managing these tasks. This works, but it’s frustrating having to do undergo such a big context shift whenever switching to my terminal. Luckily, iTerm has great Applescript support which allows for easily automating things like creating windows and running programs.

Applescript in Emacs

Emacs has a built in function do-applescript which takes a string containing an Applescript and executes it. This is great until you actually start writing Applescript. To make a long story short: it’s very bad. Plus, writing long strings everywhere is less than optimal. This opportunity presented a perfect opportunity to mess around with using Lisp macros to write a simple DSL.

Here’s what Applescript looks like:

tell application "iTerm"
  tell current window
    create tab with default profile
  end tell
end tell

We can then use this script to open a new tab right from Emacs!

(defun iterm-new-tab ()
  (do-applescript "
tell application \"iTerm\"
	tell current window
		create tab with default profile
	end tell
end tell"))

This works, but man is it ugly. The indentation is a pain to deal with in a string literal, and the end tells just seem redundant. Wouldn’t it be great if we could express this program in a Lisp form? How about this:

(defun iterm-new-tab ()
	  "application \"iTerm\""
	  (:tell "current window" "create tab with default profile"))))

Since we’ll be writing a bunch of iTerm commands, it would even be better to be able to condense it to something like

(defun iterm-new-tab ()
  (iterm (:tell "current window" "create tab with default profile")))

Much better. And it turns out, it only takes a few macros and some recursion to implement!

Embracing the magic

First, let’s define the applescript-do macro which will be the user-facing API.

(defmacro applescript-do (form)
     (applescript--eval-form (quote ,form))
     (do-applescript (buffer-string))))

This sends an unevaluated version of the form passed to applescript--eval-form, which will be a recursive function that parses the form.

(defun applescript--eval-form (form)
  (cond ((eq (car-safe form) :tell)
	 (insert "\ntell ")
	 (insert (eval (cadr form)))
	 (applescript--eval-form (car (last form)))
	 (insert "\nend tell"))
	((stringp form)
	 (insert (concat "\n" form)))
	((listp form) (insert (concat "\n" (eval form))))
	((symbolp form) (insert (concat "\n" (symbol-value form))))
	(t (error "invalid form"))))

This function checks the three parts of every form, the :tell, the target, and the command. The command can be another tell form, so if it’s a list, send that through the function again. There are some extra checks to allow for embedding any Emacs Lisp form in the DSL.

Now we can define another simple macro for writing iTerm commands,

(defmacro iterm (form)
  `(applescript-do (:tell "application \"iTerm\"" ,form)))

And we’re done! Now you can write iTerm Applescripts in Lisp and manage your shell from Emacs. For example, run a command using

(defun iterm-run-command (cmd)
  (interactive "MRun command in iTerm: ")
  (iterm (:tell "current session of current window" (format "write text \"%s\"" cmd))))

This a been a nice boost in my work flow, and it was a lot of fun exploring the weirdness of Lisp macros. Lots of things could be improved, but this works for my simple uses. See the complete code in my emacs.d Github repo: applescript.el and iterm.el.